

Contemporary dancewas developed in the mid-20th century and is a style of expressivedancethat combines elements of severaldancegenres including modern dance, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet. 

Contemporary dance combines the strong but controlled legwork of ballet with modern dance characteristics such as contract-release, floor work, fall, recovery and improvisation, allowing the dancers freedom of movement while expressing their innermost feelings. 

 World-famous choreographer Jason Winters has collaborated with CSTD on their new comprehensive Contemporary Technique syllabus. The technique and structure is designed in the most classical and academic way and infused with choreographic electricity used in today’s most commercial settings. With its building blocks in Graham Technique, Cunningham Technique, Jazz, Classical Ballet, Yoga and Pilates and Jason Winter’s own circular sense of movement, this style combines a sense of movement incorporating flow, energy, and breath. Contemporary dance truly offers young dancers the opportunity to be physically and emotionally challenged as artists.  

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Join us for our Dance Tots Easter Dance Adventure!

12 April 2025
12.30pm to 1.30pm

Limited Slots Available

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